​Enlightening Rochester Since 1996!
Psychic's Thyme: The Fool's Journey
I taught meditation at Greece Continuing Education from 1993 until 1997. I used a Chakra meditation video that has you visualize something using your third eye Chakra, the video says "see it, feel it, smell it, taste it, touch it, make it as real as you can." Each time I would visualize a store with cool New Age things in it. The only shop sort of like what I wanted was Aquagenesis on Edmonds Street, so I would visualize an Aquagenesis, but with more merchandise! At that time I was also taking Wise Woman classes for my High Priestess Certification from my HP Deb Guite. She was working at Aquagenesis part time when the owner decided to move her business out to Fairport closer to her home closing her Edmonds Street shop. For two years that shop was empty. One day Deb dropped by the Edmonds Street building to visit the “Shoe” man next door. He asked her if she knew anyone interested in opening a New Age type place where Aquagenesis had been as people were still looking for a place like that after two years! She said maybe and called me.
I had just spent a small inheritance my Grandmother had left me to remodel my basement. I was pretty upset. That money would have been great seed money. I was sadly telling my parents about this and my Dad says "I can't give you very much but I will loan you $2,000 to use for a shop." I said "Really? thanks!" Now anyone will tell you that $2,000 is not enough to pay rent, buy stock, buy fixtures or start anything but I didn't know that and I trusted that the Goddess and God would provide. I ordered two each of five Tarot decks that my readers used, a couple of beginner books, a few stones, got some consignment jewelry from local artists and some incense. My son's girlfriend worked at J.C. Penneys at the time and was in charge of displays. Stores like J.C. Penneys throw out fixtures every season, they can give the stuff away but can't sell it. So I took whatever she had that would hold books. I couldn't pay help and I knew a lot of psychics that read out of their homes, not a very good idea. So I decided to ask them to rent space at the shop and help out at the counter when they weren't reading. Five women said yes. That was probably my best idea. What better staff to have advise customers on purchases of Tarot, herbs, and crystals than the very people that use them everyday?
We opened Psychic’s Thyme on April 1st, 1996. That fall during my meditation class in Greece I stopped dead while I was explaining the Chakra meditation to my students. I suddenly realized I had done it. I had materialized the shop in the EXACT location I had meditated on for three years!
When we opened in 1996, New Voyage a large New Age shop, was still on Monroe. We were not nearly big enough to worry them. By 1997 they had closed for various reasons and we were the only tiny New Age shop left in Rochester. In 1997 Psychic’s Thyme was asked to take New Voyages place at the biggest Psychic Fair in Rochester. That was the year of expansion. We doubled our meager stock, did very well at the fair, and really got our name out there. We also did lectures at Barnes & Noble in Brighton. We were their most popular speakers and drew crowds of well over 40 people every time. More free publicity! Psychic's Thyme just took off!
Because my HP was a founder of Northeast Council of W.I.C.C.A., we wanted to do open rituals and teach Wicca at the shop. It was a great way to safely network. We became a haven for many solitaries and we helped several new groups form and grow. We wanted people of all paths have a place to ask questions without being judged or led in any direction. We wanted to empower people and I feel we have in many ways. We now have new readers, the original women have moved on, but the dream is the same…a safe, nonjudgmental place to be who you are and get the information you need to grow and heal spiritually, a place to meet like minded people and form a community of enlightenment.
Because I didn't know I couldn't do this, WE did it! All of us! The readers, myself, and our community. And the Fool's Journey goes on today, back in our old neighborhood with our old and new friends. As we continue to grow and evolve my hope is you will allow us continue to serve as your New Age shop.
Brightest Blessings and Thanks for your love and support.
1460 Lyell Avenue
Rochester, NY
Summer Hours: